Direct Reactive Integrated Vaporization Engine
Direct Reactive Integrated Vaporization Engine
Last updated
Direct Reactive Integrated Vaporization Engine
Last updated
Sitting at the core of SafuuGO’s AI Technology is the Direct Reactive Integrated Vaporization Engine (DRIVE) which directly manages SGO Liquidity supply for all participating Liquidity Pools under SafuuGO’s Partnership Program (SPP).
DRIVE can directly vaporize SGO for both the SGO Liquidity pool and the total supply by essentially erasing its existence (Hey, Thanos, there is no “Snap”, that can be “Unsnapped”)
DRIVE can control the amount of SGO to vaporize in order to provide market price support and can do this with different amounts per pool and to allow these pools to work “in concert” for arbitrage trading opportunities.
DRIVE is remarkably innovative so there is no need for a Firepit or even circulating supply at all. Because of SGO’s direct vaporization, circulating supply is the same as total supply….(No more issues with Coin market cap reporting wrong info for a rebase token)
DRIVE also includes an Automated Braking System (ABS) which is a “Safety Feature” to protect the protocol and its holders against liquidity crunch situations by monitoring the CashToMC ratio (backing liquidity) of the pools to not “over vaporize”.